About US

BCCV is currently working with 20 schools and approximately 12,000 children in some of Birmingham’s most socially and economically deprived communities.

History of the BCCV

The Birmingham Children’s Community Venture was established by a group of volunteer teachers in 1960 and as an independent Hostel since 1969.

useful Resources

Have a trip planned to come and see us? Check out some activity resources from other visitors here to help give you some fun and innovative ideas!

Sir Tim Brighouse

Sadly on Friday, 15th December 2023, Sir Tim Brighouse passed away.

The BrigHouse is named after Sir Tim in recognition of his time as Chief Education Officer of Birmingham and his promotion of outdoor education and residential experiences for children and young people. Sir Tim opened The BrigHouse in May 2016, and paved the way for education for children at our venture. The BrigHouse is a fitting legacy to the memory of Sir Tim Brighouse which we will ensure is a lasting one.

May Sir Tim Brighouse Rest in Peace.

To read more about the fantastic and lasting legacy that Sir Tim had on education, please click here. 

A Green Future for the BrigHouse

The Birmingham Children’s Community Venture (BCCV) was established in 1969, and has opened its doors to thousands of children in the intervening years. The original aim was to establish a small residential centre in the countryside, where school children could visit, have residential stays and participate in supervised outdoor educational activities.

Over the years the centre has gradually been developed to create a fun, educational and safe environment for children between the ages of 4 to 18 to stay. Some member schools have been with us from the beginning, with others joining along the way, but the vision of an affordable residential rural setting for low-income children to benefit from has remained.

Following a devastating fire in 2005, the trustees – with a lot of help, from a lot of people – rebuilt the BCCV Centre from scratch, renaming it The BrigHouse and reopening the doors in September 2016. Since then, each year has seen a renewed commitment to develop the opportunities that the BrigHouse offers, educationally, socially and environmentally.

The Trustees remain committed to the future of the BrigHouse and its original aims, but have increasingly been making decisions with a new aim in mind: sustainability. Financial sustainability, educational sustainability and environmental sustainability. To that end, we have made the decision to invest in solar panels as a green energy source for the BrigHouse. This exciting new development will reduce our carbon footprint, provide cheaper energy in the long term and offer a significant teaching opportunity for our visiting pupils.

Watch this space for updates as our new chapter begins!

Educational Activities

At The BrigHouse, we provide a wide range of outdoor activities for our children.


Compare the differences between the local rural landscape with more urban environments.


Investigate the various farming and agriculture methods that are used in the local area.


Study the local transport options especially the nearby ‘Watling Street’ (Roman Road).

Woodland Walks and Map Reading 

Children participate in nearby woodland walks and study the various plants and trees.


The hostel is located in the grounds of Merevale Hall which is steeped in local history.


Many local attractions to visit like Bosworth Battle Field and Tamworth Castle.

Partner Schools
Potential Pupils
Years Established

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Schools Blog

Check out the latest updates from our different school visitors!

Dear All, We hope this message finds you and your families well and that you’re are coping during these most challenging times. Since the beginning of the lockdown period sadly, the children have been unable to attend the BrigHouse due to the COVID-19 restrictions, and so […]
In the week beginning 29th January Year 4 had their amazing residential at The BrigHouse. Although it was cold, damp but sunny, a brilliant time was had by all, especially playing games in the woods and getting really muddy! We are studying rocks and fossils and […]
On Wednesday 20th September, Year 2 from Hillstone Primary School set off on their journey to The Brighouse. The highly-anticipated trip (by both students and teachers) helped the children to develop their scientific skills and supported their topic ‘Where the Wild Things Are’. The children had previously […]